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Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

Duh Gusti Rosul, Maafkan kami

Salam sayang dan rindu dari diri ini, yang mengaku ummatmu Ya Rosulalloh. Ya Rosul, maafkan hamba yang dengan tidak tahu malu mengaku sebagai ummatMu, tapi seringkali tak mengindahkan kata-kata dariMu ya Rosul. Duh Rosul, Panjenengan pernah memberitahu kami lewat haditse Panjenengan tentang saling menyayangi satu dengan yang lainnya. Tapi kami yang mengaku ummatMu terlalu khilaf Rosul. Bahkan sesama yang mengaku mencintaiMu, kami masih belum bisa saling menyayangi seperti yang Panjenengan contohkan. Karena cara kami dalam mencintaiMu berbeda, kami saling menyalahkan. Bahkan tak ayal kami adu argument, merasa caranya yang paling benar, hingga jotos jotosan. Panjenengan pasti kecewa dengan kami nggeh? Maafkan kami duh Rosul, entah sekeras apa hati kami, dengan tidak merasa bersalah menyakiti kekasih Allah ini, yang selalu dimuliakan oleh Allah.
Duh Rosul ngapuntene. Sungguh kami meminta maaf. Perilaku kami telah menodai “ummat” Panjenengan. Kami tak bisa menjaga kerukunan islam yang Panjenengan ajarkan pada kami. Kami terlalu egois dengan urusan pribadi masing-masing. Kami saling tuduh meski dalam hal sekecil apapun. Duh, betapa kami rindu kebenaran-kebenaran yang murni dariMu Rosuul. Kini kebenaran tak lagi benar. Sukar sekali bagi kami yang maish awam untuk melihat mana yang benar. Maafkan kami Gusti Rosul, jika jalan kami melenceng dari kebenaran itu.
Duh Rosul, bulan ini kami merayakan bulan kelahiran Panjenengan. Hampir di setiap masjid, mushola, majlis manapun mengadakan maulidan. Kami membacakan pujian-pujian betapa bahagianya kami di bulan ini dilahirkan seorang rosul terpilih. Dengan sukacita kami membaca sholawat-sholawat kepada Panjenengan Rosul. Tapi lagi lagi maafkan kami Gusti Rosul, jika kami munafik. Bibir kami melafalkan sholawat untuk Panjenengan tapi sikap kami seperti tak mengenal Panjenengan, tak mengenal sikap-sikap yang Panjenengan.

Duh Rosuul, Ummat Panjenengan kah aku? Yang Panjenengan sebut-sebut bahkan sebelum Panjenengan sedo?

Senin, 18 April 2016

Abstrak Dongeng Kisah Nabi sebelum Tidur sebagai Sarana Pembentukan Karakter Anak yang Islami

Dongeng Kisah Nabi sebelum Tidur sebagai Sarana Pembentukan Karakter Anak yang Islami

            Salah satu metode pembelajaran yang diperkenalkan oleh ahli psikologi, dan merupakan cara yang sangat efektif dan efisien adalah dongeng. Dongeng sendiri adalah salah satu media untuk menyampaikan pesan atau informasi melalui cerita yang dikemas.dalam pengertian yang sederhana, mendongeng adalah bertutur dengan intonasi yang jelas, menceritakan sesuatu yang berkesan, menarik, memiliki nilai-nilai khusus dan tujuan khusus.

Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

Masalah yang dihadapi oleh anak berkebutuhan khusus

Problems that exist in Special Needs Counseling
Ask to meet the task in Teaching
"Counseling with Special Needs"

Description: State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya - Surabaya, Indonesia

Elijah Rizqiyani (B53213045)
Aprilia Dirgantini (B53213076)
Siti Nur Fakhidah (B33213037)
Dr. Margono. mpd

Sunan Ampel State Islamic University

Praise be to GOD Almighty Lord of the universe of love and the owner, who has bestowed a sense of   love and compassion to all beings in the universe. Up until now we were able to feel the sweet and wonderful life.
Ridge and greetings may remain enshrined Nabiyullah to our master Muhammad and his followers . That has to fight kalimatullah and fighting the enemies of Islam with a sense of love and tenderness.
Then we   say many thanks to the supervisor of instruction   has been given to us. With the inclusion of the missionary's manner we hope to add koko knowledge readers.
Finally, with all the shortcomings we expect criticism and constructive suggestions to make this paper more useful. Amen.


JUDUL ................................................................................................................................... i
WORDS PENGANTAR ............................................................................................................. i
LIST ISI ........................................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I: PENDAHULUAN ...................................................................................................... 1
A.      Background belakang ............................................................................................................ 1
B.      Summary masalah ....................................................................................................... 1
C.      objectives masalah .......................................................................................................... 1
A.      Problems in Tuda proper .......................................... ................................ 2
B.      Problems in Barrel Tuna .......................................... ................................ 4
C.      Problems in Doble Tuna .......................................... ............................... 6
D.      Problems in Gifted Children .......................................... .......................... 8
A.      Kesimpulan ................................................................................................................ 11
B.      Criticism and saran ........................................................................................................ ..11
LIST PUSTAKA .............................................................................................................. 12


A.     Background
Children with special needs are not children who should we stay away from us even ignore. They are human beings like us. In one verse, God Almighty mentions that God would not have created of something / someone on this earth except have the benefit.
Possible in terms of their physical less but that does not mean we are better than them. They may rank higher than us. Because God is not looking at the physical or dohirnya but looked from human piety
There are still many people who abandon exceptional child. The parents of missing children laurbiasa shame. In fact, when parents can explore the potential for exceptional children they could become more powerful than a normal human being in general.

B.      Problem
1.       What are the problems faced by disabled children?
2.       What are the problems faced by children Adjustable tuna?
3.       What are the problems faced by gifted child?
4.       What are the problems faced by children double blind?

C.      The purpose of Authorship
The paper was written with the purpose of information to the reader how the development of exceptional children, especially disabled children, young tuna adjustable, gifted children and children doble tuna.

The problems that exist in Counseling Children with Special Needs
(Quadriplegic, Tunalaras, Gifted and Talented, doublet)
A.     Handicapped
            Quadriplegic who is euphemism for yng have physical deficiencies, especially the limbs such as legs, arms, etc.
            One of the teachers said that SLB am tuna disabled   physically. Different types of physical impairments that make incumbent experience obstacles in education and adapt to its environment. [1]
1.       Physical Development of Children Quadriplegic
In general, human development can be distinguished in terms of psychological and physical. The physical aspect is the potential to grow and must be balanced by an individual. In children Quadriplegic, the potential is not complete because there are parts of his body that was not perfect.
In general, the physical development of children with physical disabilities can be said about the same as a normal child but the body parts that were damaged or other body parts yng affected by the damage.
2.             Social development Handicapped Children
The attitude of parents, family, peers, school friends, and society in general have great influence on the formation of self-concept of children with physical disabilities. Thus will affect the response in part to its environment.    Mockery or disruption of normal children of disabled children will cause dullness effective in quadriplegic who not infrequently cause negative feelings in their social environment. This situation causes obstacles tunaaksa social adaptation of children.
In general, children normally show different attitudes towards children with physical disabilities compared to other normal child. Currently there are many views that the success of one's assessed academic achievement in the classroom. The inability of disabled children has withdrawn a normal society that has a performance that is far from reach.
Children with physical disabilities are often unable to participate fully in the activities of the kids his age, especially in group activities that are more formal.

3.             Development of Personality Handicapped Children
            Personal issues are fundamental to children with physical disabilities actually similar to that of the normal child. 
            The development of disabled people as a whole is affected by many things, among others:
1.       The level of incapacity due to disability, is an important variable in the development, although this can not be separated from the normal behavior of children towards children with physical disabilities.
2.       The age when the disability occurred, to a certain extent affect the pace of development of the individual.
3.       See whether or not the condition quadriplegic, shows the influence of terhedap impact on the development of individual personality Disabilities, regarding his body image.
4.       Support of family and community support for children with physical disabilities have an enormous influence tap family and community attitudes about the personality of a quadriplegic. When the response given by the family and the people around bad then it will greatly affect the child's personality perkembbangan vice versa.
5.       The attitude of society towards children with physical disabilities showed a decisive influence on the personality of the individual concerned. Limitations held by children with physical disabilities, which hinder the achievement   like other normal children. And this causes anxiety and discomfort that interferes with the development of the personality of the child. [2]

B.      Issues in Counseling Children Tuna Barrel
            Tunalaras is a reference for those who have problems in controlling emotions and social control. Patients usually show deviant behavior and not according to the rules / norms applicable.
            Broadly speaking, child barrel tuna can be classified into those who have difficulties in adapting to the environment and children who are experiencing emotional distress. [3]

1.       Development of Personality of Children Tuna Barrel
      Personality will color the role and position of the person in the group and will affect awareness as part of the personality of him. Therefore personality can cause someone misbehaves. Personality manifestations observed in these interactions appear as a form of compensation or fulfillment.
      Behavior displayed this person closely related to efforts to meet their needs. Since the birth of each individual is equipped with various basic needs and to demand the fulfillment of the individual always tries to fulfill it embodied in various environments. Psychic conflict can occur when there is a clash between the business needs with social norms. Failure to meet the needs and menyeleseikan conflict, can be disturbed emotional stability. Further encourage deviant behavior and can lead to frustration on the individual. Such a situation is   prolonged and terseleseikan can cause interference.

2.       Emotional Kids Adjustable Tuna
      Disturbance of emotional development is a cause of child behavior disorders tuna barrel. The most prominent feature of them is kehiupan emotional instability, inability to express emotions appropriately and less self-control so that they often become very emotional. Ii emotional disturbance occurs as a result of the failure in children through the phases of development.
      Furthermore, the emotional maturity of a child is determined by the result of interaction with the environment, where children learn tentag how emotional it is present and how a child expresses the emotion. This development will continue to occur over time. Many will also experience emotional earned by children that will affect the emotional development. In contrast to its adjustable tuna. He can not learn well in taste and appreciate several kinds of emotions he felt and he also less able mengertiemosi perceived by other people. This Etidakstabilan cause deviations in behavior, such as irritability, irritable, aggressive, difficult to understand others.

3.       Emotional Kids Adjustable Tuna
      As we understand that the child is adjustable tuna they encounter in social interaction with other people or the environment. This does not mean that they are not able to interact with everyone. In many cases they simply can establish social relations very closely with his friends. In fact they are able to form a group that is familiar and compact.
      Inability tuna child barrel in social interaction because they have had less experience / unpleasant. Thus, each time experiencing new developments, the child will suffer emotional crisis.
      Adjustable tuna child has erroneous appreciation. They feel that they are not useful for other people and feel soulless. Until very difficult to establish contact with them. And when you can build a relationship with them they will be very dependent on that relationship. [4]

C.      giftedness and blindness
1.       Characteristics of gifted children with blindness
a          child gifted with vision obstruction.
b         The process of learning and   absorbing information fast
c          Memory superior
d         stand firm
e          Easy to learn Braille
f          motivation to learn a lot of creative thinking that allows apparent slow compared with other children who had no vision problems.
g         Sometimes shows perkemngan cognitive slower in comparison with other children can see well.

2.       Impact of the Misdiagnosis and mislabeled
a          social aspect emotional
      In general, children with impaired vision have in adjusting himself helpless and dependent on others, by the attitudes of parents and teachers, peer groups play an important role in determining an image of himself. Social contact with peers requires a maximum effort because nonverbal information is not functioning effectively.
        Barriers that occur in some blind students for self adjustment of good behavior .. stereotypical behavior is often called stereotypical behavior blindism behavior because it is estimated only appear on only blind but sometimes also a characteristic of mentally retarded children.

b         Aspects of cognitive ability and   conceptual-academic
If a damaged at pengelihatannya, suffered unimaginable limitations, the difference between those who see the world and which are not, the point is in terms of the experiences of tactile (feeling) and visual (sight). They are blind rely more on tactile and auditory information to learn about the world than their sighted. Therefore the ability of hearing (auditory) and palpation (tactile), expected meghambat things can be resolved.
c          Aspects of Motor
Without vision the blind children tend to be slow. Before making the appropriate motions with his surroundings, then he must know in advance the location of the body, the direction, position in space as well as skills such as sitting, standing or jalan.Misalnya, with adannya damage eyesight so the new child has time to go to school orientation bad because it is less able to estimate how safe or right to move to new situations.

D.     giftedness and ketunrunguan
1.       Characteristic
a          desire to develop the ability to read and speak without instruction
b         Having strong memories
c          The ability to follow the same learning in regular school
d         Quick get the idea
e          ability to reason that high
f          Performance academically superior in schools.
g         Having interest in many things
h         Getting information in ways that are nontraditional
i           Pending in understanding the concept of
2.       Impact
a          development language
Marschark said that children who experience severe deafness prelingual will be difficult to develop kepandain despite talk through intensive therapy. Historically its tuna bronze experienced great difficulty in speaking, so often nicknamed "deaf and dumb" is not able to listen and speak. However istliah is not unreasonable, having   found a correlation between listening and talking.
b         Aspects of social and emotional
Social development and human personality is influenced by communication, because people will easily interact when communication bai. Social masalh tuna bronze experienced by children at first because at first the ability to understand the emotional aspects that are communicated by another person verbally. In terms of adjusting themselves, indeed deaf children have problems. They tend to be rigid, egocentric, less creative, implusif, and less able to empathize. Temper tantrums and frustration of a physical nature often shown as they are less able to produce it in the form of language. This problem will increase clearly when he entered the wider world outside the family.
c          aspects intelektul positive development and academic achievement
Zwible wrote that the cognitive development of the individual tuna bronze explained from various perspectives, such as by Myklebust with mengemukakakn that there is no difference between the individual bronze tuna normal in terms of performance and conceptual thinking at least until the concrete.
      Other Penelirian mengunggkapkan that   differences in the way children think tuna bronze with normal children in nonverbal tasks mengemukakakn that the difference is caused by the lack of cognitive stimulation and emotional and social acceptance not because of the language barrier. Intellectual function deaf children is also difficult to measure because most of the tools ukurnaya it has verbal intelligence, which relies heavily on a person's language skills. While many studies suggest adannya ketunarungguan effect on the function of intelligence, but overall the actual   intelligence itself has no effect.
      Arvery, Birch, and Kirk mnatakan that mastery of the language and the establishment of the basic concepts of its tuna bronze is strongly influenced by the form of damage to hearing, the beginning of the age, cognitive function or other defects tidaknys conditions and the amount of stimulation available to the child. As a gifted child, stimulation and communication of forms from an early age will greatly affect the development of the concept, but do not always support the achievement everyday. [5]

E.      Talent Children and Creativity Children
There is a positive illustration presented "a good personality is more praiseworthy of the talent that stands out. Most of the talent, to a certain extent a gift. Otherwise good personality not given to us. We have to build it little by little with the thought, choice, courage and determination ". (John Luther).
Public understanding regarding the definition of gifted children, ie, children with a high level of intelligence, can be justified. In 1922 the definition of gifted children (children gift) is only based on IQ alone. However USOE (United States Office of Education in 1972 that defines gifted children who can prove their skills in the field of tin ggi intellectual, creative, artistic, academic leadership and other specialized services not met by normal by the school.
Parents are one source for identifying gifted children, especially in children who are still kec
Notes for each parent starts to move medium-Breana not just about behavior that is annoying but also ensure that their member children a gift that will be preserved esteem, thinking skills, sense of responsibility, love, integrity, respect, and self-reliance . [6]
Humans can only be happy if not fixed to the sole favor. It was formulated by Aristotle, he underlines be happy when people do not passively just want to enjoy everything, but if it is active then it will channel and realizing all his talent.
The big question, what every man has a talent? Yes, every man has the talent, but talent as the potential to be developed into a performance and become a reality. It is the duty of parents to channel the talents of children.
The case is the case at present, the parents are more   active to require their children to follow the lessons, such as lessons in painting, music lessons and so on. These efforts presented his parents with the wishes of the parents themselves. But the survey results are not good because it tends not push the child. Perhaps in certain children who feel it is working, but most of it tired and stopped dtengah way.
And vice versa when les become priorities wishes of children, dining indirectly he felt what he went through in the first period is love or hobby first. This is far more leverage than by coercion.
Even talent combined with the analogy of the plant where it requires care, attention, fertilized and irrigated until the plants grow into fertile.
Far more important if a consensus between parents and children to participate in certain activities for either ballet, piano, or the other is driven by disciplined in their training lessons or in the home more comfortable. [7]


A.     Conclusions
1.       One of the teachers said that SLB tuna am physically disabled. Different types of physical impairments that make incumbent experience obstacles in education and adapt to its environment.
2.       Generally, children adjustable tuna can be classified into those who have difficulties in adapting to the environment and children with emotional disorders
3.       Children with disabilities khsusus doble tuna has two disadvantages. And this makes the incumbent has more difficulties.
4.       Understanding of the public regarding the definition of gifted children, ie, children with a high level of intelligence, can be justified. In 1922 the definition of gifted children (children gift) is only based on IQ alone. However USOE (United States Office of Education in 1972 that defines gifted children who can prove their abilities in the field of intellectual, creative, artistic, academic leadership and other specialized services not met by normal by the school.

B.      Recommendations
As a man who did not escape from a lot of mistakes and we made paper is far from perfection, the criticisms and suggestions from stakeholders is our hope that this paper can be stacked perfectly.